GAP Australasian-Dentist-Mar Apr 2019

Category AustrAlAsiAn Dentist 55 substitute. it was also decided that rather than compromise the soft tissue at the extraction site by gaining primary closure with the advancement of a flap, that a collagen seal would be utilised to protect the bovine bone substitute underneath and promote soft tissue growth. in this example, whilst the casewas not considered ideal, implementing a socket augmentation technique ensured that the future replacement of the extracted tooth with a dental implant would be more predictable and less complicated. Dr saade saade is the educational director of the Australian institute of implant Dentistry and in collaboration Dr Saade Saade is a graduate from the university of Sydney with a Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (Oral Implants). Dr Saade Saade is the principal dentist and educational director of the Australian Institute of Implant Dentistry and Dentist & Co in Balmain, Sydney. Dr Saade Saade has a keen interest in emerging dental technologies, especially in digital dentistry. Australian Institute of implant Dentistry can be contacted on 02 9810 2404 or with implant Direct Australia, holds series of courses on dental implants in sydney and Melbourne. Dr saade saade has a keen interest in digital dentistry and incorporates the latest in digital technology applications in the courses. u If you would like to expand your surgical skills and learn about how you can implement these into your everyday dental implant treatments, contact Implant Direct Australia on +61 2 8870 3099 . The upcoming advanced surgical course will be held in Sydney on May 3 rd and 4 th and Melbourne on June 7 th and 8 th , cost is $1,644.50 and places are limited. lInICal