Implant Dentistry Today No 14

Implant Dentistry Today 34 Figure 2. Fractured tooth extracted “atraumatically” under local anaesthesia. Figure 6. Re-entry at 12 weeks. Figure 10. Tension-free closure. Figure 14. Bone biopsy sample. Figure 3. Socket grafting with EthOss®. Figure 7. Bone biopsy and preparation for implant placement. Figure 11. After 4 months. Figure 15. Histomorphometric analysis from University of Freiburg. Figure 4. Covered with hemostatic collagen sponge, no primary closure. Figure 8. Paltop Advanced implant placed. Figure 12. Penguin ISQ measurement: 74. Figure 16. Newly-formed vital bone: 48.12%, residual EthOss particles: 8.11% Figure 5. 12 weeks post-op. Figure 1. Vertical fracture of the upper right second molar. Figure 9. Additional grafting with EthOss®. Figure 13. After fitting final screw- retained restoration. Outcome 7 months after initial socket grafting; 4 months after implant placement. Figure 17. EthOss particle (EO) close up, with osteblasts (OB), osteoid (O) formation and new bone trabeculae (NB). Figure 18. Initial pa x-ray. Figure 19. After extraction and socket grafting. Figure 20. 4 weeks post- op. Figure 21. 12 weeks post-op Figure 22. After implant placement and additional grafting. Figure 23. After 4 months, final restoration. Case background The patient is a 50 year old female, non-smoker, noncontributory medical history; fractured upper right second molar. Socket Graft Case Study