Implant Dentistry Today No 14
Implant Dentistry Today 32 Patientmedical history Patient M.P., 71 years old, male, hypertensive but was compensated by medication. The patient was using an overdenture over 4 implants and there was periodontal compromise and mobility of the three lower dental elements. Planning u Full Arch u Immediate loading Description of the procedure The tooth #33 was lost before surgery due to mobility. The surgical procedure was performed under local anaesthesia. A flap access as performed from right molar to left molar, the extraction of the #42 and #43 elements, regularization of the lower edge and drilling the implant installation sites, using a sequence of drills recommended by the manufacturer. Four jaw implants were installed using the multifunctional guide to guide the installation, all with torques above 60 Ncm. Neodent®materials Upper jaw u Neodent® Attachment Equator of 4.1 x 2 mm Lower jaw u 2 Neodent® Helix GM® Acqua™ implants of 3.75 x 16 mm u 2 Neodent® Helix GM® Long NeoPoros® implants of 4.0 x 22.5 mm u 2 Neodent® GM Angled Mini Conical Abutment 30º of 2.5 mm u 2 Neodent® GMMini Conical Abutment straight of 3.5 mm Prosthetic description The upper implant abutments were replaced by Neodent® Attachments Equator and mini conical abutment were installed under the lower implants. Transfers were positioned and splinted with Pattern acrylic resin (GC America Inc, Alsip, USA). The impression was performed with the aid of the multifunctional guide and with the addition of silicone Express XT and the o’rings captured in the upper denture. A proof of the metal bars (made of titanium and performed by CAD /CAM) and the wax teeth were performed to evaluate its adaptation. The implant supported acrylic prostheses were installed the day after surgery and occlusal adjustments were performed. Result description/conclusion The patient returned at 1 and 4 months after surgery for preservation. The prosthesis was removed and the implants were individually tested. Refinement of occlusal adjustments and periapical radiographs was performed to evaluate the adaptation of the components. Learning outcomes fromthe doctor Dr. Sérgio Rocha Bernardes Lower Total Arch Rehabilitation with four hybrid dental implants Helix GM ® Neodent ® A clinical case report by Dr. Geninho Thomé and Dr. Sérgio Rocha Bernardes , Brazil Clinical case performed in collaboration with: Jean Uhlendorf, Carolina Accorsi Cartelli, Mary Stella Kivel Dias Vitório andMarcos Boaventura de Moura. Figure 3 –Try-in of the wax planning to make the surgical guide Figure 1 – Initial panoramic radiograph Figure 2 – Initial clinical aspect of the case Figure 4 – Preparation of the surgical guide
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