Implant Dentistry Today No 14
Implant Dentistry Today 18 Fig 13. Papilla sparing flap raised- new bone visible on distal premolar Fig 17. Bigger healing cap to improve emergence and Blue®M gel used for soft tissue healing Fig 21. Loaded at 14 weeks post surgery, restored papillae Fig 14. Small additional graft with EthOss Fig 15. Healing cap placed Fig 16. Sutures removed again at 4 days Fig 18. Radiograph showing restoration of bone on the distal premolar Fig 19. 2 weeks later Fig 20. 2 weeks later Fig 22. Radiograph showing restored profile.This will improve with time and function Fig 23. Loaded 6 months Fig 24. Loaded 6 months The following scans were taken at 9 months post surgery
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