Golf Vic Vol 60 No 2 2019

vision 2025 When Jill Spargo, chair of the Vision 2025 steering committee, reflected upon the first anniversary of the program’s launch, she felt genuine pride in what had been achieved in the first year. And so she should. It’s an impressive list – made even more impressive because much of it has been achieved alongside the introduction of the One Golf structure and all that has meant in terms of transition and integration of states, programs, events and personnel. “When I think of all the key things that we’ve got underway, I realise that it’s been a big year, a very satisfying year,” Spargo said. “So much has been foundational, about relationship building and ensuring we had goodwill and understanding from people in the golf industry and community about what we are trying to do. But we’ve been able to pick some low hanging fruit, which we hoped we would do, and we’ve had a very positive reaction from both golfers and clubs, so that’s terrific.” A snapshot of some of the highlights: • The key appointments of Chyloe Kurdas as Female Engagement Senior Manager and Stacey Peters as Female Pathway Manager. • The establishment of a steering committee which includes Karrie Webb, Karen Lunn, Gavin Kirkman and senior representatives one year on VI S ION 2025 Vi s i on 2025 was l aunched i n Febr uar y 2018 wi th the goa l o f i nc reas i ng the ra t e o f par t i c i pa t i on o f women and g i r l s i n go l f and chang i ng the cu l ture o f the game . KAREN HARDING t akes a l ook a t how i t ’ s progres s i ng . by Karen Harding 28 Golf Victoria