GAP Australasian Dentist Sept Oct 2020
Invisalign treatment matches decades of patient data with the latest technology to offer a superior aligner product. Become an Invisalign Provider: • Invisalign Go for dentists with little to no teeth-straightening experience • Invisalign Fundamentals for dentists with experience of teeth-straightening and confidence in orthodontic treatment planning More details at 1DataonfileatAlignTechnology. Thisadvertisement isdirectedexclusively tohealthprofessionalsonly. Invisalign, the Invisalign logo, iTero, the iTero logoandClinCheck,amongothers,are trademarksand/orservicemarksof AlignTechnology, Inc.oroneof itssubsidiariesoraffiliatedcompaniesandmayberegistered in theU.S.and/orothercountries.Allrightsreserved.©2020AlignTechnology, Inc. With over 8million patients treated globally 1 we knowwhat makes a great smile.
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