GAP Australasian Dentist Sept Oct 2020
Category Australasian Dentist 53 clinical Figure 4 Tooth prep under 12x magnification (30-40 minutes) Figure 6 Prep-Arch Scan (30 seconds) Figure 8 Restorative anatomy design proposed by TRIOS Design Studio Figure 10 and 11 Restoration’s occlusal fit checked with 3Shape Patient Specific Motion and adjusted Figure 5 Tooth prep under 12x magnification (30-40 minutes) Figure 7 Occlusal plane defined Figure 9 Remarks from Dr. Somana Using TRIOS Design Studio, the designed crown inserted with no occlusal adjust post cementation. The entire procedure was completed within a total of 75 clinical minutes. A decision, however, was made to complete this case over two appointments. This was due to limited clinical time available on the preparation day and time not being critical to the patient. During treatment, the biggest challenge for us was to create an aesthetic crown that met all the clinical requirements and, that would accommodate the patient’s parafunction and intermittent occlusal splint usage. For us, the ability to use the original tooth as a guide for designing the crown to minimal thickness stipulated by the material of choice and to aid in matching the existing occlusal splint was invaluable. This function alongwith the ability to record a patient’s specific motion in TRIOS Design Studio significantly improves crown design from a functional and an aesthetic/ anatomic perspective. These combined functions allow for a more predictable outcome.
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