GAP Australasian Dentist Sept Oct 2020
T H E L E A D E R I N M A T R I X S Y S T E M S INAU1020AD © 2020 Garrison Dental Solutions, LLC Everything you order from Garrison Dental Solutions i s backed by our risk-free 60-day money-back. General inquires about Garrison products contact Gina at email +61 416 232 252 • Orders: 1 300 65 88 22 Orders: 1 800 81 71 55 Orders: 0508 IVOCLAR (486 252) New Zealand Australia Orders: 0800 808 855 Pricing is in Australian dollars, GST included $862 40 FX-KFF-10 Price includes GST Item Description Qty. Price FX400 Blue (short) ring 2 $350.90 FX500 Orange (tall) ring 2 $350.90 FX600 Green (Wide Prep) ring 2 $350.90 FXR01 Ring kit with 1 of each ring 3/pkg $514.80 Sectional Matrix System The Award Winning Matrix Materials - Wedges Matrix Materials & Systems R E A D E R S ’ C H O I C E A W A R D R R Item Description Qty. Price FX100-M Bicuspids 50 $114.40 FX150-M Bicuspids w/deep cervical prep 30 $114.40 FX175-M Bicuspids and small molars 50 $114.40 FX200-M Molars 50 $114.40 FX300-M Molars w/deep cervical preps 30 $114.40 Item Description Qty. Price FXK4-M 3D Fusion Wedge Kit 200 $168.30 FXYL-M X-Small Yellow 50 $46.20 FXBL-M Small Blue 50 $46.20 FXOR-M Medium Orange 50 $46.20 FXGR-M Large Green 50 $46.20 Simplified technique! Ideal anatomy! Tight contacts – guaranteed! Call Gina Davies at +61 416 232 252 for general inquires and current Garrison specials.
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