GAP Australasian Dentist Sept Oct 2020

Drilling made simple 76% of the implants were placed with 2 or fewer drills Neoss Edge Ambassador program Ø3.5 mm Ø4.0 mm Ø4.5 mm Ø5.0 mm Ø2.2 S Ø3.0 T Ø3.4 T Ø3.9 T Ø4.4 T Ø3.5 E Ø4.0 E Ø4.5 E Ø5.0 E II I IV & III Soft Regular Dense Countersink Edge Bone quality Simplified protocol, fewer drill steps. Drilling protocol Note: If a marking is dashed , it is non-mandatory, unless it is the last preparation step. Please see the instructions for use for all procedure aspects. Neoss Australia Pty. Ltd • P.O Box 404 • New Farm • QLD 4005 • T +61 7 3216 0165 • F +61 7 3216 0135 • E The implant and its self-cutting thread designs are matched directly with the twist drills for ultimate insertion predictability. In almost all cases and regardless of bone quality, only two Neoss drills will be required to place the Edge implant. The proven Neoss ProActive ® surface and NeoLoc ® connection in combination with the new evolutionary thread design and simplified drilling protocol ensures predictable stability in challenging cases. • The drilling protocol keeps bone removal to a minimum • Expert engineering ensures confident implant placement • Fewer drill steps • Predictable insertion torque