GAP Australasian Dentist Sept Oct 2020

Now You Can Complete Aligner Cases More Quickly, Profitably And With Better Outcomes, Every Time. The Complete Aligner Planning Service (CAPS®) provides you with case evaluation, diagnosis, treatment planning, refinements and ongoing mentoring, giving you the confidence to take on the most challenging clear aligner cases and produce profitable, predictable outcomes. Work side by side with the country’s leading Orthodontic specialists who can help you provide the ideal clinical digital setup and make changes for you, directly inside your dedicated aligner site. Reduce patient visits and boost profitability through highly effective treatment planning and expert case management. Grow your patient loyalty, reputation, reviews and word of mouth referrals through excellent results. Complete cases quicker to avoid losing patients to a competitor’s practice. Save time and money on every single aligner case by reducing the number of patient visits, case refinements and freeing up your schedule. Save time performing digital work which usually needs to be done after normal work hours. Treat even the most challenging of cases with total confidence and deliver excellent results, every time. Available for most aligner systems including Invisalign, Angelalign, SmileStyler and Suresmile. **FREE Invisalign and Angelalign Planning Service** Fully Accredited and world-renowned Educators with 30+ Years Experience in Orthodontics, over 150,000 aligner cases planned and with less than 10% refinement rate. To find out more about OrthoED’s Complete Aligner Planning Service (CAPS®) visit today or call Dr Hall on 1 300 073 427 or +61 (3) 9108 0475 or email ** Conditions apply