GAP Australasian Dentist Sept Oct 2020

T H E L E A D E R I N M A T R I X S Y S T E M S INAU1020AD-2 © 2020 Garrison Dental Solutions, LLC Everything you order from Garrison Dental Solutions i s backed by our risk-free 60-day money-back. General inquires about Garrison products contact Gina at email +61 416 232 252 • Orders: 1 300 65 88 22 Orders: 1 800 81 71 55 Orders: 0508 IVOCLAR (486 252) New Zealand Australia Orders: 0800 808 855 Pricing is in Australian dollars, GST included Call Gina Davies at +61 416 232 252 for general inquires and current Garrison specials. Your Complete Solution for Interproximal Reduction (IPR)! NEW! .40mm and .50mm strips easily accommodate maximum reduction cases NEW! IPR gauges for exact reduction IMPROVED! Attachable handle for greater ease of use and patient comfort Universal Kit for IPR and finishing/polishing FPSK04 contains: 2 handles 1 IPR gauge 4 single sided (1 of each .08 mm, .10 mm, .13 mm, .18 mm) 6 double sided (1 of each .11 mm, .15 mm, .21 mm, .30 mm, .40 mm, .50 mm) $300.30 F lexible I nterproximal finishers with a T wist ‘Does NOT create aerosols like rotary disk stripping/IPR!’ TN009 5-in-1 Our Most Popular Anterior Matrix VS02 10mm 5mm 62mm long The 5-in-1 Multi-Function Instrument can help you place, pack, shape and carve your way to perfectly contoured composite restorations without ever having to switch instruments! Blue View ™ VariStrip ™ Item Description Qty. Price VS01 VariStrip 100 $173.80 Item Description Price TN009 Multi-Function Instrument $157.30 Photo courtesy of David S. Hornbrook, DDS, FAACD International Lecturer and Private Practice, San Diego, CA