GAP Australasian Dentist Sept Oct 2020

Category 94 Australasian Dentist receive the full range of benefits and long- term savings. “With an A-dec chair, for example, there are so many ways to configure it. The lights can be mounted differently, different styles of delivery, suction arms come in different lengths and options; chair upholstery come in different finishes and colours,” says Fiona Banks Equipment & Technical Specialist. “A lot of our customers are sometimes not aware that they have so much choice, and it is our job to make sure that they make an informed decision.” “You get to determine what is built into the delivery system; choose between an electric or air-driven motor; pick the type of auxiliaries you want; continental versus traditional delivery; left or right handed configuration; and whether or not you want a spittoon, which is now more so than ever an important consideration when it comes to infection control. “We can really sit down and customise the package to suit our clients’ needs.” Alldent’s far-sighted approach to customer service hasn’t gone unnoticed. Dr Gilbert Ko from Dana Street Dental, would condense it into four words: “Reliable. Honest. Personalised service!” “It’s great to continue to do business with Alldent who have looked after our chairs and dental equipment for the last six years,” he adds. Covid-19 reflections Despite all the restrictions and disruptions that the coronavirus has caused, Naomi Thomason from Alldent, says it has given the Alldent team time to reassess the business and make adjustments. One of the most positive takeaways from this difficult period, Naomi notes, is the resilience and adaptability of her colleagues. “We came away with a strong conviction that everyone in our business has been exceptional through this time and we have worked very closely together. Everyone has shown incredible resilience and initiative to pull through as a team,” she says. “That has given us space to work inwards on our business on new innovative range and look at how we can better our service.” The company has adopted the Zoom meetingappforalltheirsalesconsultations, in addition to troubleshooting “easy fixes” on Facetime, Zoom or through video exchange. This has become de riguer business practice in Melbourne, which at the time of writing, is going through a stage-4 lockdown. “I think that when we get back to a new kind of normal, this will not change. At the end of the day, we are sociable people and most customers would like us to have direct contact with them. However, we will adapt to what the new environment brings,” Naomi says. “What is good about a smaller business is that we have the capacity to adapt and change very quickly. We are not hampered by some of the constraints that larger businesses have. We are agile and can move and react to our customers’ needs quickly.” After the sale The agility is aided by deploying a highly- experienced team on the ground. The electricians and fitters in Alldent’s support team – many of whom have been with the company for more than a decade – have all undergone formal training provided by the suppliers. Naomi attests that the personable team has helped to endear the Alldent brand to many customers. “Our support team has greatly contributed to the strong rapport we have with our customers. As have our technicians, our technical team contribute greatly to our sales.” Operating as a boutique-size distributor for Victoria and Tasmania, Naomi says having a well-established technical support team is indispensible. True to Alldent’s credo, she is emphatic about the importance of after- sales service. “If we sell it, we are going to look after it. We are more focused on long-term service and that is bigger than just the sale. We want to make sure our customers are left feeling comfortable with their purchase and the support they receive afterwards.” u Testimonials