GAP Australasian Dentist Sept Oct 2020
Category 92 Australasian Dentist “Trust has to be earned, not given.” That is the guiding axiom of dental equipment seller Alldent. It sums up the principled approach the company has taken to build up their enviable industry standing – one satisfied customer at a time Over the decades, the Melbourne- based dealer of major brands like A-dec and NSK has garnered a strong following for its attentive, personalised service. From their unhurried manner of guiding customers throughout their equipment buying process to their avoiding a cookie- cutter approach to sales and servicing, no stone is left unturned to put the customer’s needs first. Alldent offers a wide range of services including dental equipment sales and service, autoclave validating, plant room maintenance, handpiece repairs, digital imaging surgery set up setup, installation and consultation. The company has a strong web presence through its comprehensive online offering (www. ). Alldent also boasts a nationwide Heart-won reputation By Danny Chan network with local presence, offering products such as nitrous oxide sedation systems, dental handpieces and smaller equipment and consumables. More recently, they have moved into specialised product lines such as the Alldent Surgical Products Range. Alldent was founded in 1988 by Bill Stoney, an industry stalwart whose enduring professional ethos has rubbed off on his team. “Bill has mentored and instilled a philosophy of getting the job done right, whether that means spending more time on our behalf or on the dentist’s behalf,” says Paul Petkovski, Senior Service Technician. “The key is not to take short cuts. “There is only one way to do the job – the right way – otherwise the customer will end up with more problems in the end.” Talk ain’t cheap Taking short cuts sometimes means giving in to the temptation to sell customers products with the highest margins – not necessarily what they need. At a time when the retail business is affected by a pandemic-stricken economy, it’s not easy to resist making a quick sale over advising customers of their longer-term considerations. Yet Alldent insists on taking the time to go through the customer’s specific operational set-up to ensure that they Patient-focused technology Of course, Dr Mignone’s assessment would be incomplete without mentioning Vatech Insight’s attributes in the area of patient comfort, convenience and care. “Patient acceptance has been exceptional. It is a state-of-the-art unit with a modern appearance and it makes a great first impression,” he says. “The unit allows instant feedback from patients on the proposed treatment plan as they can visualise and process information there and then. They feel included in the process from the beginning. “The unit’s low-dose radiation and faster scan times befits its claim of being next-generation technology, and if I may also add, patient-focused technology.” Bonus benefits In hindsight, Dr Mignone could not have predicted how the Vatech Insight would also go on to play an important role in patient health and safety during a particularly stressful time, courtesy of a global pandemic. “By locating the unit in-house, we offer a much more convenient and COVID-safe service to patients as they do not need to go back and forth between our practice and our radiology practice. “Due to a short scan time, the x-ray capturing process is kept to minimum. “Insight’s 41 Multi-layer imaging function has reduced the number of intraoral x-ray images to be taken. This versatile technology actually promotes social distancing by minimising patient contact.” To date, Dr Mignone says that he has heard nothing but positive comments and feedback from both staff and patients. “As an investment, the unit’s expanded diagnostic and informative value simply raises the bottom-line of the practice. “Perhaps more profoundly appreciated during these challenging times, the Vatech Insight is more than just a diagnostic tool, but one that delivers on our philosophy of total patient care.” u For more information on Vatech x-ray system – Including Insight, contact: Vatech Australasia (1300 789 454) Campbelltown Dental is located at 58 Newton Road, Campbelltown, South Australia 5074 Phone Number: (08) 8365 1466 Email: Testimonials Cnntinued page 94
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