GAP Australasian-Dentist-May June 2019

1800 806 450 The Perfect Pair. ZirClean is a water based gel for non-abrasive cleaning of Zirconia surfaces and other prosthetic restorations after intraoral try-in. ZirClean helps to achieve reliable and increased adhesion results by removing the Phosphate contamination from saliva on Zirconia Surfaces. ZirClean is easy to use and comes in a convenient syringe dispensed with tips, eliminating the need to shake a bottle . The Gel is easily washed off as it is water based, compared to an existing brand that is glycerine based. To be used Extra-Orally after intraoral try-in of indirect restoration Extra-Oral Restoration Cleaner especially for Zirconia 5gm Syringe Normally $49.50ea Special $39.50ea Zirconia-Alumina-Metal Primer Zirconia Composite Alumina Intra-oral Repairs Metal /Alloy Endodontic Posts Z-PRIME™ PLUS Unparalleled bond strengths to Zirconia, Alumina and Metal restorations Compatible with light- cured and dual-cured resin luting cements Versatility and durability with many different substrates and can be used for intra-oral repairs Convenient, single bottle delivery offers ease of dispensing Significantly enhances bond strengths of other resin cements 1 2 4 3 5 4ml Bottle Normally $125 ea Special $100 ea Buy 3+ 4ml pay only $90 ea #1 RANKED ZIRCONIA PRIMER BOND – WITH 5 UNIQUE BENEFITS SPECIAL PERFECT PAIR COMBO OFFER: Purchase both Z-Prime 4ml & ZirClean 5gm together and receive a bonus SS White Zirconia Bur Kit for adjusting & cutting zirconia. Valued at $115 Free Superior Bonds begin with NEW