GAP Australasian-Dentist-Mar Apr 2019

Category AustrAlAsiAn Dentist 115 Dr Toni Surace the Managing Director of Momentum Management and Co-Director of The Practice Entrepreneur Network (PeN). Momentum is the premier dental practice management consultancy and training firm, Momentum has been empowering dentists in Australia and New Zealand to reach their professional, personal and financial goals for over 16 years. On average, Momentum clients increase production by 30-40% and achieve a 579% return on investment from the Momentum Practice Management Program. If you would like to learn more about Momentum Management programs or about PeN, call 1300 519 000, and request a free 1-hour consultation with an experienced coach. dentistry for a moment, if you ask any personal trainer about their clients, they’d tell you that a huge percentage of the clients sign up for personal training nOt because they don’t know what to do, but because they struggle to motivate themselves to exercise. i mean, we all know that exercise is essential to ongoing health, but we don’t all actually use that knowledge. it’s really similar sometimes with the leadership and management involved in running a dental practice. i take it that you understand a lot about the theory of leadership and management, the barrier is in implementation. if you’re like a lot of practice owners, you get home at night, after a long day’s dentistry. You’ve had to handle all sorts of issues from both patients and staff. You’ve probably got treatment plans running around your head and you’ve realised that you forgot to organise a patient’s referral to a specialist. Maybe you’ve got paperwork to do. so it’s understandable if the motivation to start implementing anything else is quite low! My first bit of advice is to think about: Why? in other words, why would it be good for you to implement more of what you know? is it because it would free up more of your time, make life generally more interesting, allow you to take home more? What is the underlying benefit to you? to use the personal trainer analogy again, when we exercise, a lot of the time the “why” is obvious. essentially, it’s this Best praCtI es Q&a simple: we do burpees to avoid having a heart attack. With practice ownership, the “why” might be more personal to you, or it might be a fairly common reason, such as the ones i’ve outlined here. regardless, if you know your “why”, it’s a lot easier to do the “what”. if you have a reasonable idea on both what you want to implement and why you want it, the big next step is to get a personal trainer!! it’s time to sign up with someone who can hold you accountable, someone who can keep the “why” strong enough while working with you on the “what”. now, i won’t make you do burpees, but people like you are the exact reason people like me exist! Our role as coaches is to help you get the best out of yourself and to help you build new habits. We work with you on breaking down barriers, and helping you organise yourself out of overwhelm. We help you reframe problems into manageable chunks and implement solutions. We celebrate your successes, too! there’s a great deal we can do with you, so please get in touch! u For further information on Momentum Management, visit au or call 1300 510 000 for details on short courses, Momentum’s Management Program, coaching package, in-practice visits, or other ways in which Momentum can assist you. For further interest in PeN please go to our website: If you would like advice on a situation impacting your practice or would like to make a comment about issues affecting the dental industry, you can direct them to Dr Toni Surace at Please title your email subject as “Best Practices Q&A”.