Australasian Dentist Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
In theNSK factory, there is a pond full of clear water. Koi carp swim lazily around the pond. But these fish are not lazy - they aremonitoring NSK’s environmental measures. Wastewater fromthe factory is cleaned to perfection usingpurification equipment. It is thenpassed through the pondbefore being released into the river. In 2014, NSK accomplished a recycling rate of 99. 7%for industrial waste. They achieved a recycling rate of 94%formetal cuttingoil, which is used extensively in the factory. NSKhas erased thewhole concept of waste removal. Staff dip their hands in the pond where the fish swim.Whowould think this water iswastewater froma factory? Pristine rivers flowoff beautiful green mountains. NSKproducts are created in a factory surroundedby this natural environment. It is precisely becauseNSKhas been endowed with such a rich environment and the technical skills toprotect it that they canmaintain their incomparable high-quality production. NSK’smission is toprovide excellent products that bring a smile not only to the faces of people but to the Earth itself . 13034-[Sustaianability] Product Information | Technical Support NSKOceania Pty Ltd NSKOceania Ltd Freephone: 1300 44 33 21 (Australia) Freephone: 0800 44 33 21 (NewZealand) Committed to sustainability. 99 .7%
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