Australasian Dentist Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
The practice operations platform and complementary services help dental practices better manage the increasing demands of running a busy practice – putting you in control so that nothing falls between the cracks. With so many competing priorities, how confident are you that: • correct policies and procedures are in place, including those for infection prevention and control • practice equipment is properly maintained and calibrated • you are effectively onboarding and training new team members • tasks are not missed if key people are absent • your team can recognise and contain a privacy breach to minimise the impact and avoid penalties • you are effectively managing risk and ensuring quality management processes are in place You can feel confident with PracticeHub, the online practice management platform. PracticeHub makes running your dental practice simpler, safer and more efficient 1300 96 86 36 To find out more, book a demonstration today at MJN-557 02/21 (DT-1792) PracticeHub has streamlined our policies and procedures including; HR and infection control, and alerts us when equipment is due for servicing – means nothing is forgotten. Arena Dental
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