Australasian Dentist Magazine Sept-Oct 2021

1800 806 450 Contains Fluoride & Calcium Continuous calcium and fluoride ion release. 1 Contains MDP Strong bond to zirconia, metal and alumina substrates without primer. Easy Clean-up Gel phase after tack cure facilitates removal of excess cement. Radiopaque Visible on radiograph to easily distinguish from caries. Alkaline pH Generates an alkaline pH in minutes 2 , which promotes pulp vitality. 3 We are here to help! Call 1800-806-450 or visit us online 8gm $155 ea 2 $145 ea 3+ $130 ea Valid to 31/12/2021 REASONS WHY 5 1. Gleave CM, Chen L, Suh Bl. Calcium & fluoride recharge of resin cements. Dent Mater. 2016 (32S):e26. 2. New Self-adhesive Resin Cement With Alkaline pH. Chen L, Gleave C, Suh B, J Dent Res96(A):#286, 2017 3. T Okabe, M. Sakamoto, H. Takeuchi, K. Matsushima. Effects of pH on Mineralization Ability of Human Dental Pulp Cells.Journal of Endodontics. Volume 32, Number 3, March 2006 1800 806 450 u Contains Fluoride & Calcium Contin ous calcium and fluoride ion r lease. 1 Contains MDP Strong bond to zirconia, met l and alumina substrates without primer. Easy Clean-up Gel phase after tack cure facili ates removal of excess cement. Radiopaque Visible on radiograph to easily distinguish from caries. Alkaline pH G nerates an alkaline pH in minutes 2 , which promotes pulp vitality. 3 We are h re to help! Call 18 0-806-450 or v sit us onli ne u 8gm $1 5 ea 2 $145 ea 3+ $130 ea Valid to 3 /1 / 021 REASO S WHY 1. Gleave M, Chen L, Suh B . Calcium & fluo ide recharge of resin cements. Den Mater. 2016 (3 S):e26. 2. N w Self-adh sive Resin Cement With Alkaline pH. Chen L, Gleave C, Suh B, J Dent Res96(A):# 86, 2017 3. T Okabe, M. Sakamoto, H. Takeuchi, K. Matsushima. Effects of pH o Mineralization Ability of Huma Dental Pulp Cells.Journal of Endodontics. Volume 32, Number 3, March 2006