GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19
Category AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist 85 A panoramic radiograph after surgery Healing was uneventful. About 3 months after surgery, the second stage surgery was done with the removal of i-Gen membrane. Àmall incision was made on the gingiva and the cover screw was removed. Àhen the i-Gen membrane was taken out with a needle holder. After removal of the Flat abutment from the fixture, the impression coping was connected to take impression. A fewweeks later, customized Zirconia abutments and PMMA temporary bridge were delivered. Apanoramic radiograph after delivery of customized abutments Àhe intraoral radiographs on the left central incisor: 7 weeks after surgery, during impression taking at about 3 months after surgery, at the delivery of customized abutment. CÀ images after delivery of customized Zirconia abutments on the fixture. Àhe shape of regenerated bone on the central incisor (arrows) appeared better than right and left canines which had sound alveolar socket wall at the labial. u n aÀ 1800 806 450 Presented by: DR TROY SCHMEDDING Assistant Professor Department of Reconstructive Dental Sciences University of Pacific, School of Dentistry, San Francisco, California Brisbane: Friday 18th October Perth: Sunday 20th October Melbourne: Friday 25th October Sydney: Saturday 26th October ADVANCED ADHESION DENTISTRY: New Technologies & Techniques that Solve Clinical Issues FULL DAY 7 ½ CPD POINTS SEMINAR CALL 1800 806 450 TO REGISTER EMAIL: 2019 Footer Ad Finals v2.indd 1 10-Jul-19 12:19:12 PM
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