GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19
Category 84 AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist Àhis case was included in this book to show the gap on the amount of bone graft between ideal grafting with guidance of i-Gen and habitual grafting without guidance. Àix implants were placed from the maxillary right second molar to the left first premolar. Ào make provisional restoration on the maxillary anterior teeth, four fuse abutments were connected on the fixtures A female patient visited our office with a complaint on the maxillary anterior teeth. Àhe bridge was completely floated due to severe bone destruction, so it was removed before treatment planning. After discussion with the patient, it was decided to extract all the remaining natural teeth from upper arch and replace them with 6implants. Also, she wanted to have temporary teeth immediate after surgery. The effectiveness of i-Gen membrane and AnyRidge implant system to make the ideal ridge augmentation (II) 10 days later, all the remaining teeth were extracted to have implant surgery. When the flap was elevated, very sharp and unstable alveolar bone was exposed (left). Àhe ridge was flattened under the imagination of future shape of alveolar bone (right). which were placed immediately after extraction. However, the fixture placed into left central incisor had vertical and horizontal bone defects and needed bone regeneration. Following connection of a Flat abutment on the fixture, some holes were made on the cortical bone of labial plate to enhance blood supply. Mixture of allograft and xenograft was placed on the defect with the imagination of regenerated alveolar ridge which can maintain the long-term prognosis. How it looks to you? Às this bone graft enough for successful regeneration? As we can find in this case, there was no guideline for adequate amount of bone graft material for ideal regeneration yet. When C1 type i-Gen membrane was placed and fixated with a cover screw, À found there was some gap between the membrane and graft material. Àhis means that the amount of graft material was not enough to make ideal bone regeneration more than 2mm to the labial side. More bone graft material was prepared to fill the gap. Àf the healing process is uneventful, this patient will have enough amount of bone regeneration to support this implant for a long time. Àhat is one of core values of pre shaped i-Gen membrane. Àow every dentist can make same result on ridge augmentation with i-Gen. From manual dexterity to second nature Collagen membranes were placed on the bone graft and layer suturing was made for flap closure. n aÀ
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