GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19

Category AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist 83 n aÀ Collagen membranes (Àyoplant) were placed on the bone graft and i-Gen membrane. And tight sealing of soft tissue started against the Fuse and healing abutments. About 11 weeks after surgery, i-Gen membrane was planned to remove. After connection of prosthetic caps on the Fuse abutments, a prefabricated resin shell was adapted. Àhen flowable resin was injected into the resin shell and light cured for a few seconds. Àhe prosthetic caps were attached out with the resin shell. Àow we could see the exact margin position of the provisional restoration. Àhen, the gaps between the resin shell and prosthetic caps could be filled easily with flowable resin again. Don’t need to worry about the marginal accuracy of temporary prosthetics. Àurgery was finished with immediate temporarization. Àhe patient was satisfied with the result. Àwo weeks after surgery. Healing was uneventful. Five weeks after surgery. Due to thin labial gingiva, i-Gen membrane was seen through gingiva. After removal of a healing abutment, the edge of i-Gen membrane was found through the gingiva. Àt was securely grabbed with a needle holder and pulled out. Àhe second stage surgery and removal of i-Gen membrane without opening a flap were so simple and not traumatic. We could take an impression for Zirconia customized abutments and temporary crown at the same visit. Àhen, simple sutures were made around the healing abutment. Àhe fuse abutments were returned to continue to use the first temporary bridge one more week until the customized abutment and second temporary bridge were ready. À PostopÀ 5 weeks afterÀ 3 months after Àntraoral radiographs during procedure. Àhere was some bone resorption from the regenerated crest on the delivery of custom abutments. Àt might be caused by early removal of i-Gen membrane. Àt was removed only 11weeks after surgery.