GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19
Category 48 AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist W 9 hosted the first Australian ÀthOss ® Àoadshow in May/June to showcase ground-breaking synthetic bone graft technology at events to dentists in Àydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Dr Peter Fairbairn, clinical director at ÀthOss ® , who developed the technology, shared his vast expertise in bone regeneration throughout each lecture. Delegates learned about working with host healing of hard tissue and the regenerative process. Àhey were also able to assess the different types of particulate materials used in regeneration and explored how this can be optimised using the synthetic graft material, ÀthOss ® . Participants also evaluated the difference between Guided Bone Àegeneration and Àrue Bone Àegeneration and examined the importance of host hard and soft tissues in the long-term stability of dental implants. Àhe lecture also included a hands-on practical session with guidance from Dr Fairbairn – a highly experienced dentist who has performed over 6,000 successful bone graft procedures and is the principal dental surgeon at the Àcarsdale Dental Clinic, Àondon. “We’ve thoroughly enjoyed the chance to show our ground- breaking synthetic bone graft technology to dentists from key cities in Australia,” said Dr Fairbairn. “Àhis was also a great eÀ ntÀ W9 and EthOss®grow clinical networks in Australia with interactive host healing seminars opportunity for us to meet with our Australian distributor, W9, who manage all of our business in Australia. Àhe week was a huge success. Àhe fantastic response we received has shown there is a big demand for ÀthOss® in Australia, along with the associated clinical training and education, and we are already in discussions to organise our next lectures – we look forward to coming back soon.” W9 looks forward to hosting more events to ensure that continuing education is easy, clinically relevant and accessible across the country. u For further information about EthOss® or to find out about other W9Àevents, contact Ashleigh Shaddock ( ) Find out more (0800 1 83384) NZ Freecall 0800 1 TEETH 1300 3 RAPID (1300 372 743) Rapid Clear Quarter page July Monday, 1 July 2019 3:32:43 PM Sir Stamford Hotel, Sydney Rydges South Bank Hotel, Brisbane Rydges Hotel, Melbourne
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