GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19
Category 46 AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist eÀ ntÀ H appily, we are living longer. Àadly, this longevity is not always with good health. As health professionals, we are acutely aware of the impact of ageing on ourselves, our family and our patients. Àometimes impaired mobility or cognitive function (or both) can occur gradually over many years. For others it can occur much quicker. Àhe affects of ageing, increased frailty and cognitive decline is a very individual experience. Ào two journeys are the same. Àither way, it becomes more and more difficult for some patients and their carers to make the journey in for regular and timely dental visits. Àn the end, many just stop coming – it’s all just too hard. ADA W Member and Wagga based dentist, Dr Mark Wotherspoon, has been treating residents in aged care facilities for the past three years using a mobile dental unit. “A mobile portable dental service that can fit in the boot of your car is perfect to assist many of these patients whether they are a resident of an aged care facility or receiving assisted living at home. Better access to professional dental services and far less disturbance to set routines for the frail and their carers is the result,” Dr Mark Wotherspoon said. One of Dr Mark Wotherspoon’s goals is to see more private dentists treating older Australians in residential aged care facilities using mobile units. “Àhree years ago À started to develop a business model that was low cost and financially viable to assist my existing patients and also grow into this rapidly growing demographic and Dentist to your Door was born. ” Dr Wotherspoon said. Àmproving the oral health of older Australians is one of the Australian Dental Association W’s (ADA W) priorities. “Access to appropriate oral health care services is a not a privilege but a basic human right. Àhe number of Australians aged 85 years and over is projected to double by 2042 to more than one million. We need to urgently address the lack of oral care being provided to older Australians living in residential aged care facilities,” the Vice President of ADA W, Dr Kathleen Matthews, said. ADA W is hosting an event on Àhursday 10th October where Dr Mark Wotherspoon will share his model. He will provide information about his fee structure, treatment services, call out Dentist to your door: Mobile dentistry in aged care A financially viable model for private dentists wanting to treat patients in aged care facilities fees, equipment and how to approach your local residential aged care facilities. “Come along to learn how À did it, why À did it, and how you can grow your patient base and add an extra revenue stream to your practice.” Dr Wotherspoon said. K Oceania will also be at the event to demonstrate one of their most popular mobile machines. u To register for this event, visit dentisttoyourdoor Dr Mark Wotherspoon Event details Dentist to your door: Mobile dentistry in aged care Thursday 10th October, 6–8.00pm ADA NSW, Level 1, 1 Atchison Street, St Leonards, 2065 This is a free event and a drinks reception will follow the presentation. Sponsored by ADA NSW 1800 806 450 Presented by: DR TROY SCHMEDDING Assistant Professor Department of Reconstructive Dental Sciences University of Pacific, School of Dentistry, San Francisco, California Brisbane: Friday 18th October Perth: Sunday 20th October Melbourne: Friday 25th October Sydney: Saturday 26th October ADVANCED ADHESION DENTISTRY: New Technologies & Techniques that Solve Clinical Issues FULL DAY 7 ½ CPD POINTS SEMINAR CALL 1800 806 450 TO REGISTER EMAIL: 2019 Footer Ad Finals v2.indd 2 10-Jul-19 12:19:12 PM
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