GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19
Category AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist 39 but not a confronting one. Àxpert speakers from around the world share their cases, their experiences and – importantly – their mistakes. Àt’s refreshing for dentists to attend an elite symposium as this with the array of speakers owning up to and explaining their mistakes and how they resolve them. Àach speaker presented case studies where potential mistakes or pitfalls are illustrated, explained and learnt from. Àhe motto of this symposium: `ÀHÀ XÀ reG A OÀ’ was a fitting title as it refers not only to the next generation of regeneration of materials, but it also launched the next generation of speakers, and clinical experts in the field of oral tissue regeneration, an opportunity to present to the audience. “À find these symposiums an excellent opportunity to exchange concepts and ideas and À get great feedback on the spot,” said Professor Àtefan Fickl, a professor in the Department of Periodontology at the Àniversity of Wuerzburg, Germany. Professor Fickl is an international speaker in the field of periodontology and implant dentistry and one of the keynote speakers at the symposium. “An advantage of attending and speaking at these symposiums is that À also see first-hand the research that the Osteology Foundation and Geistlich present. À came to learn about new materials and surgical approaches to improve the regenerative aspects of our therapeutic methods. “And À always learn from the other speakers and from dentists because À can benefit from other’s cases as well as from their mistakes. “Àhe education offered at these symposiums is the most advanced you can get. Àhere are many young dentists who digest information easily through all sorts of media and they may take up new applications or products too quickly without the proper research. Àt took me 10 years to get on top of the techniques and applications À use now. À had to suffer and learn from my mistakes too. Àhat’s why these symposiums are essential,” stressed Professor Fickl. Àhe Osteology Foundation’s association with Geistlich is vital for a better patient outcome for Professor Fickl. “À’ve long been involved with Geistlich. Àt’s a company that has true and verifiable success and is a leader in research. Àhey are very stable researchers because they don’t change or jump quickly – yet they rely on innovation. À am used to their products and À like the idea of using something with 20 years experience. Àhey research for at least 12 years before putting their products on the market. “Àhe growing knowledge in our field is striking. Àn the field of tissue regeneration, many factors which were not regarded as important some years ago are today crucial for long-term successful implant restoration. Àn addition, technology is improving year by year and can help the experienced clinician to be less invasive and reduce patient morbidity. “Patients want the big picture and if you can explain the clinically based procedure and the background as well as the complications that could happen then they will accept your experience and will trust you. You have to be well informed and educated. And these symposiums prepare you,” Professor Fickl concluded. From Geistlich’s perspective through the exchange of ideas, they also learn what the market is saying directly from the dentists. Àt’s an ongoing true partnership eÀ ntÀ Prof Mario Sanz, Prof Christoph Hämmerle, Prof Maurício Araújo Prof Istvan Urban
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