GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19
Category 2 AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist Karryn Àlliott has recently joined the Philips Oral Health Care (POHC) sales team as Àerritory Account Manager for Queensland and the Àorthern Àerritory to drive sales and business development in these territories. Karryn has over 15 years’ experience in the dental industry, covering roles in various Queensland-based dental practices, including her last rolemanaging the Dental Club, with three branches in the Brisbane area, as well as working with the Àational Dental Foundation. Karryn can be reached by phone 0447 469 916. Àew national account manager at Practice Àale Àearch Practice Àale Àearch has announced the appointment of its new Àational Account Manager, Lisa Singh . Àisa joins Practice Àale Àearch after almost a decade working for one of Australia’s leading dental corporates where she held roles as both Àegional Manager and Acquisitions Manager. Àisa was tasked with improving the productivity of both new and existing practices, and later identifying, benchmarking and completing the purchase of high- quality dental practices. Her exceptional customer service and relationship-building skills, together with her passion for the dental industry, have resulted in her building a name for herself as someone with a deep understanding of dentistry and the business behind it. Practice Àale Àearch is the leading practice brokerage in Australia and Àisa brings invaluable assets to the team. Her unique background as both a business coach and hygienist gives her insights into the many factors that contribute to successfully selling a dental practice. Àhe is an experienced negotiator of sales terms, and often exceeds the expectations of all parties involved. u peopÀe Greg Fox appointed Cattani Group CÀO Dental industry identity Àreg Fox has been appointed Chief Àxecutive Officer of the Cattani group of companies, which includes Cattani Australasia, Cattani Asia, and industrial air technology company AM. Àhe Cattani Group serves Australasia, Àouth Àast Asia and Àndia. Greg steps into the newly created CÀO role after two years as Cattani Australasia GM, during which time he has transformed the company operationally and in its sales and marketing areas. Greg has an impressive background in the dental industry. He began as a dental technician but quickly found an aptitude for business, completing a Masters in Business Administration before joining Àobel Biocare as Australasian Business Manager. He later moved to Dentsply Australia and ultimately led that company for more than six years. u 1800 806 450 Presented by: DR TROY SCHMEDDING Assistant Professor Department of Reconstructive Dental Sciences University of Pacific, School of Dentistry, San Francisco, California Brisbane: Friday 18th October Perth: Sunday 20th October Melbourne: Friday 25th October Sydney: Saturday 26th October ADVANCED ADHESION DENTISTRY: New Technologies & Techniques that Solve Clinical Issues FULL DAY 7 ½ CPD POINTS SEMINAR CALL 1800 806 450 TO REGISTER EMAIL: 2019 Footer Ad Finals v2.indd 1 10-Jul-19 12:19:12 PM Àew at Philips Oral HealthÀCare Catherine Jones has recently joined the Philips Oral Health Care (POHC) team as the Àerritory Account Manager for Western Australia and Àouth Australia, a newly created position in the growing Oral Health Care Division of Philips. Catherine comes to us with over 20 years’ experience in the dental industry, covering sales management, customer relations, product training and business development with such organizations as Henry Àchein Halas, Gunz Dental and most recently Àobel Biocare. Catherine will be responsible for the management of both WA and ÀA, driving sales and business development in these territories for the Zoom whitening business, a new strategic position as demonstrated by the enthusiastic start at Australian Dental Congress in Adelaide. u Catherine can be reached on 0448 032 564.
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