GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19
Category 14 AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist n wÀ F or the first time in the company’s history, CareDent exhibited at the Ànternational Dental Àhow (ÀDÀ) 2019. Àhe company chose the biggest dental exhibition in the world to showcase its broad range of oral care products as a growing international brand. “We were overwhelmed with the amount of interest shown in our product range,” said Àmran Khan, CareDent’s Àales Manager. “Àhe interest was from both international delegates attending the show and local dental professionals which we were thrilled about. “One of our main objectives was to expand our distribution into new markets. Being part of such amassive show certainly allowed us to make a significant number of new contacts who will give us the opportunity to expand into international markets. “We took a large number of business cards and catalogues with us but it’s not surprising that we ran out before the end of the show considering over 150,000 delegates attended. Àhe flow of people to the stand was constant which made for very long rewarding days, but we were buoyed along by the infectious buzz and excitement of being part of such a large exhibition.” CareDent is well-recognised in Australia for providing its essential and unique high-quality oral health care products including floss, PÀFÀ tape, interdental brushes, toothbrushes and toothpaste to Australian consumers and dental professionals since 1992. “Àt just goes to show that when you start with quality products, it is easier to add new innovative products to the range. For example, one of the big attractions was our CareDent Àtarlite toothbrush that has been available in Australia since 2013. Àhe Àtarlite is now in its 5th year and people still love it here and overseas,” Khan continued. However, with continued steady growth and new products, partnerships and initiatives in the pipeline, the time was right for the company to take its next steps into a wider, exciting and more competitive marketplace. “As a family-owned Australian company, presenting our brand on the other side of the world was certainly a great opportunity,” said Àmran Khan. “Whilst it’s a huge undertaking compared to a trade show in Australia, the benefits are certainly there for exhibitors to take the leap. Àt was definitely worth the more than 30 hours of travel required to get from Àydney to Cologne and we will definitely be there again in 2021!” u To follow CareDent’s journey and learn more about its full range of oral care products, visit www.caredentprofessional. CareDent sparkles on the Ànternational stage at ÀDÀ 2019 The CareDent team (l–r) Imran Khan (CareDent Sales Manager), Luke Soady , Noah Shroot, Toby Shroot. À hondium has announced the launch of their new custom-made laboratory service – the OVC 4 . Àhe OVC 4 is the only lab-made crown/onlay that can be prepped and fitted in one appointment, creating efficiencies that save valuable time and money for both dentist and patient. Àhondium has made the change from OVC 3 to OVC 4 to better service the needs of its dentist customers and their preferred Àhondium launches ÀVC 4 in Australia ordering patterns, with no capital outlay requiredupfront.ÀheOVC 4 isnowcustom- made for a specific patient for an accurate fit. Àt also includes a custom-made seating guide for easy positioning and alignment. Àhondium Chairman and Founder Dr ÀimonMcDonald, says: “Àhe introduction of the OVC 4 to the Australian market is a huge leap forward in terms of making it easier for people to get a single visit crown. Feedback from our users has been overwhelmingly positive.” OVC 4 enables dentists to complete minimally invasive procedures that produce great clinical outcomes for patients. Àhe affordable price point makes it an excellent tool for increasing case acceptance rates. Ànterested dentists should contact their local OVC 4 product specialist or visit for more details. About Rhondium Dental Laboratories Àhondium Dental Àaboratories (ÀDÀ) is a dental innovation company helping people on their path to better oral and dental health. With a focus on time-saving innovations, in 2014 ÀDÀ launched the One Visit Crown – a dental crown that can be prepared and fitted in one appointment in up to half the time as a traditional dental crown. Àhe unique procedure means significant time savings for dentists and cost reductions for patients. ÀDÀ is a multinational research and development company with headquarters in Àew Zealand. u Find out more information about how Rhondium Dental Laboratories is helping more patients get the dental treatment they need at
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