GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19

Category 130 AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist Action Young dentists moving out into private practice and are struggling because they lack the skills to develop themselves – why not activate a plan to put experienced dentists into continuing mentoring programs? À am aware that we have certain bodies that exist now, but how are they being utilised, and how often? Àmagine an organisation that sent out someone with 40 years experience to sit next to a young dentist and mentor them while they develop treatment plans of root canals and how-to take-out wisdom teeth. Àmagine if the program helped these dentists develop personal and speaking skills that enable them to present treatment plans that meant something real and they worked together at trying to help implement these plans. Àmagine if the program helped with understanding the private insurance schemes and also addressed the inconsistencies put out by organisations. Àay they represent dentists advancing conflicting schemes to run by dentists for dentists where there is really no exceptional benefit being delivered. Consider the courses that are put on to help dentists achieve CPD points; the cost of these courses seems to be exponential in comparison to what someone is going to gain. Àhen when asked what the dentist gained; they say ‘not much’. What about running courses for dentists and allow them to gain CPD points that don’t cost the earth? What about a program that allows dentists to consider joining other practices in the immediate area with no negative side-effects? What about having an opportunity to openly and freely discuss the concept of change for change’s sake in an open forum? Finally, what if the powers that be, particularly AHPÀA stop doling out the advice on a knee-jerk basis, so that in actual fact people gain confidence rather than lose confidence in the governing body that is overseeing everything? What is happening to all the money paid into AHPÀA? What if this money could be used to provide education courses to young dentists rather than leaving them to fend for themselves? What if a new dentist makes an error of judgement? What dire consequences await them? Won’t we give some support and instead help them to see how to do things better and more efficiently in the future? We are in an age of dependency on social media, telephones, electronic gadgetry and wizardry where messaging systems and tweets centralize the world when in actual fact we should have a Watching Change is a Dangerous Past Time By Merv Saultry Ào n tÀ Merv Saultry strong guiding hand and relevance would be seen as far better outcomes and if not offer an alternative. Àn Àweden, the Ànited Àtates and Canada there are systems in place that actively mentor young dentists for up to five years after graduation, this makes perfect sense to me. À believe that we are in an age of consolidation, at a time when instead of creating more and more single operator dental practices, practices in low patient areas think about amalgamating and joining together to share in both technology and the knowledge of the experienced practitioners. Àhere does not seem to be any redeeming features to adding to the corporatisation of young dentists who are joining these practices and who are working for minimal wages. Àhey lack the experience necessary to develop proper treatment plans and experienced methodologies without the proper mentoring and teaching facilities in place. Àhese young dentists end up being frustrated, and they leave to start their own dental practices. Àhis entrenches their lack of experience all over again. u Merv Saultry, Managing Director Independent Dentist Network Mob: 0414 836 296 Contact 0414 836 296 | | Want to be a part of a group of like-minded dentists, who still think dental care is a service meant to help the health of our patients rather than a commodity, acquired at the cheapest price? It is difficult as an individual practice to differentiate yourself from the slick marketing of large budget third party providers. Independent Dentists need to work together to compete in a challenging practising environment. Join IDN today