GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19

Category 10 AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist À he Australian Dental Àndustry Association (ADÀA), the peak business organisation representing manufacturers and suppliers of innovative dental products, is pleased to congratulate ADÀA Àife Member, Àigel Davis AM, on the receipt of his Member of the Order of Australia honour received as part of the Queen’s Birthday honours. “Àigel has received his AM for significant service to the manufacturing and supply of dental products and ADÀA is grateful to Àigel for his many contributions to the Association and the dental industry over the years,” said Mr Kym De Britt, ADÀA Chief Àxecutive Officer. Mr Davis AM has previously served in many levels of leadership in ADÀA, including as the Àational President (2004- 06), as a member of the Board (1998-2008, 2006-07), and as the Àouth Australian Branch President (1998-2000) and Àecretary (1988-90). Mr Davis AM received ADÀA’s Meritorious Àervice Award in 2010 and in 2018, was made a Àife Member of ADÀA, an honour that has been bestowed upon only 16 people since 1983. “Àhere are few people in ADÀA’s history that have contributed as much to the industry as Àigel has. He is more than deserving of receiving the honour of Member of the Order of Australia,” Mr De Britt said. Having not only served ADÀA in many facets, Mr Davis AM has also served the broader dental industry by serving as the Director of the Australian Dental Àesearch Foundation (ADÀF) (2001-12), representing the dental industry globally on theGeneral Council of the Ànternational Dental Manufacturers (2001-10), as a HÀ- 023 Committee Member for Àtandards Australia (1998-2015). He is currently still serving as part of the Ànternational Àtandards Organization’s O-ÀC106 technical group participant which he has been a part of since 1998. “Àigel’s contributions to the wider dental industry community are equalled by few. He is always working to make sure that the dental industry is among the top industries in the world,” Mr De Britt said. Mr Davis AM is currently the Àerritory Manager responsible for Àouth Australia and Àorthern Àerritory for A-dec Australia. u ADÀA life member Àigel Davis awarded AM n wÀ