GAP Australasian-Dentist Issue 80 Jul-Aug 19
Category 110 AustrÀlÀsiÀn Dentist LÀBS B oasting unique properties that combine strength and translucency, Zirc (Zirconia Àltra High Àranslucent) allows you to achieve a more natural and aesthetic result for a host of restorations including: anterior crowns, posterior crowns, inlay/onlays, cement-retained implants and 3 unit bridges (1 pontic). Àhis versatile material is as translucent as lithium disilicate – and more translucent than monolithic zirconia – yet offers greater flexural strength than lithium disilicate. Milled from a gradient block, Zirc ensures greater flexibility in shade selection (20 base shades). While its monolithic form eliminates risk of delamination, its CAD/ CAM manufactured structure increases the biocompatible material’s propensity for accuracy and fit. Ào simplify the decision over which dental cement to use in conjunction with Andent’s Zirc Crown, the Melbourne- based dental laboratory is bundling the $185 offer with Àvoclar Vivadent’s ÀpeedCÀM ® Plus at no extra cost. “Àince dentists are frequently seeking our advice on which cement works best with our Zirc range, we thought it would be a good idea to package our popular Zirc Crown with the ÀpeedCÀM ® Plus, a reliable cement kit that is designed to get the job done more efficiently,” says Matt Àmith, Andent’s General Manager. “Besides offering a great price for the highly sought-after material, we made the deal even sweeter for customers by giving them a free cement kit so they can immediately get to work.” Àhe ÀpeedCÀM ® Plus is a self-adhesive, self-curing resin cement. Combining per- formance and user-friendliness, the com- posite cement is formulated to work opti- mally with restorations made of zirconium oxide, metal-ceramics and for the cementa- tion of restorations on implant abutments. Àts excellent self-cure properties help to minimise errors associated with light curing – such as the failure to account for different material properties, light exposure, shades, opacity and curing depth – while offering an additional measure of reliability when seating opaque or non- translucent restorations. With ÀpeedCÀM ® Plus, you can achieve a strong bond on zirconium oxide, non-precious alloys (eg. Àitanium) – and even dentine – without light 15 activation. Àhe resin cement produces a reliable bond on moist and dry dentine – both when used in the self-curing mode and when used in the light-curing mode. Àhe self-adhesive properties of ÀpeedCÀM ® Plus eliminate the need for phosphoric acid etching and bonding with a dentine adhesive. Ào additional primer is required for the cementation of zirconium oxide and metal-based restorations as the cement formulation contains the adhesive monomer MDP. Àhe self-adhesive feature affords clinicians an easy and reliable cementing process by: (1) Àeducing the processing times; and (2) minimising the risk for handling errors. Àhe cement kit also includes the following features: u Àasy clean-up: ÀpeedCÀM ® Plus allows speedy removal of excess. Àsing the light-curing option, you may tack-cure the excess material and remove in large pieces using a scaler. u Àadiopacity: Due to its high radiopacity, you can easily distinguish the resin cement from dentine and enamel. Àhis shows up clearly on patient x-rays when differentiating between residual cement excess and secondary caries. u Àasy cementation of endodontic posts: ÀpeedCÀM ® Plus helps to simplify the procedure – no need to apply dental adhesive in the root canal – making it ideal for the self-adhesive cementation of endodontic posts made from metal, zirconium oxide or fibre-reinforced composite such as FÀC Postec ® Plus. ÀpeedCÀM ® Plus is suited for the permanent seating of crowns and bridges on natural teeth and on implant abutments that are made of the following restorative materials: u Oxide ceramics such as zirconium oxide, eg. ÀPÀ e.max ® ZirCAD u Metal and metal-based glass-ceramics. eg. ÀPÀ e.max ® u Àithium disilicate glass-ceramics. eg. ÀPÀ e.max ® u To learn more visit or Strength and Beauty in one efficient bundle Andent has partnered Ivoclar Vivadent to give Australian dentists a free SpeedCEM®Plus cement kit when they take up the lab’s $185 UTZirc Crown offer.
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