CATEGORY 58 AUSTRALASIAN DENTIST CV of main author Dr Amilkar Rocha was born in 1972. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry from the University Mayor of San Simón (Bolivia), a Master’s Degree in Oral Implantology from the Latin American Institute of Research and Education in Curitiba (ILAPEO Brazil) and a Postgraduate Degree in integrated bone implants sponsored by the International Academy of Integral Dentistry (Bolivia). He also completed his specialization in Prosthetic and Rehabilitation through ProFIS, the Interdisciplinary Higher Education Program of the University of São Paulo (Brazil). Professionally, Dr Rocha has served as General Director and Implantologist for over 21 years at his Clínica Rocha Pereira in Cochabamba (Bolivia). He is a member of the team of researchers from the University of São Paulo (Department of Master of Dentistry and Dental Materials). He was National President of the Bolivian Society of Oral Implantology, Founding President of the International Academy of Integral Dentistry and International President of the Seminarios Odontologicos Latinoamericanos (SOLA) highly aesthetic result, considering that replicating the shape and colour of a central incisor into its contralateral tooth is always a challenge. In the present case, a morphologically customised CAD/CAM composite abutment was fabricated, which provided support for the available soft tissue and graft materials so to ensure tissue thickness and vascularisation over time. Thanks to the minimally traumatic extraction and computer-assisted surgery, excellent primary stability was achieved for the implant insertion with a torque above 50 Ncm. This is the basis for successful osseointegration and long-term stability of the implant and thus a permanently intact restoration. Conclusions The tomographic sections showed a type 1 socket with thin labial bone plate. The additional grade 3 tooth mobility and the radiographic evidence of root resorption led to the decision in favour of immediate implant placement. The success of the treatment can be attributed to meticulous planning based on various imaging techniques, including photographs, radiographs, tomography and 3D scans. The use of these tools helped the team to make an accurate diagnosis, determine the optimal treatment plan and anticipate potential complications. For instance, the CAD software supports by calculating and suggesting the optimal implant position. A take-home message from this case is how important it is to follow established protocols when carrying out a treatment plan. Adhering to prescribed timelines, recommended materials, and procedures minimizes the risk of complications and failures until the healing process has occurred Ultimately, patient satisfaction should be the primary goal. The use of guided implant placement together with the method of milling an abutment is very beneficial, but it requires technical Know How and a careful selection of procedures. Additionally, the operator's experience certainly contributes to the success of a treatment. Likewise, the layering technique with composite, especially for high aesthetic demands in the anterior region, requires appropriate expertise as well as compliance with all the steps described in the recent scientific literature. u For a full list of references and relevant literature email: Visit our booth #1065 Visit Amalgadent #1065 at ADX24 Sydney for exclusive show offers Footer Ads #102.indd 6 23/01/2024 2:10:14 PM CLINICAL Fig. 22 Postoperative tomography. The pronounced vestibular concavity of the hybrid abutment provided space for the graft materials and ensured long-term tissue thickness. Fig. 23 Intraoral image showing the texture and microtexture achieved in the composite as well as the correct adaptation of the restoration to the soft tissue. Fig. 24 The smile image shows a satisfactory aesthetic result, with the shape and colour matching the contralateral tooth. This immediate implant-supported immediate restoration was made of high quality composite and as such, it can remain in the mouth permanently if there are no complaints.