CATEGORY AUSTRALASIAN DENTIST 61 LINICAL to the other modules and as a great review of forgotten knowledge. Also the beginning of the concepts of oxygen therapy for the support of patients and in the use of basic life support BLS. The second module Nitrous oxide Silhouette begins a quantum change in the superior delivery of Nitrous oxide sedation through the new Silhouette delivery circuit. This module continues to upgrade participance knowledge of anatomy and physiology and provide a better understanding of the nitrous oxide mixer, as reconfiguring of the mixer is required to accommodate the new continuous flow techniques. Also, a review of oxygen therapy for conscious and unconscious patients is reviewed for participance skills in an emergency and for the upcoming module three. It is desirable to do module 1/ before module 2/ to gain a complete knowledge of nitrous oxide delivery, but we understand that dentists will have different levels of experience with various forms of anxiolysis and so modules can be undertaken on an individual basis. So, for example dentists who have had experience of nitrous oxide may wish to go straight to module 2/, instead of redoing module 1/ a general nitrous course. This also holds true for dentists wishing to do the oral anxiolysis course to gain credentialing who already provide oral medications but have not had extensive education in a formal context. The 3rd module we have developed is a two day program in oral anxiolysis that specifically covers the needs of oral anxiolysis, covering patient assessment, monitoring, medications, recovery and legal responsibilities, just to touch on a few topics. The oral anxiolysis two day course also include an ALS-1 course, to provide dentist with the skills needed to deal with a emergency, which is internationally recognized for 4 years, by the Australian Resuscitation Council, ARC. This oral anxiolysis course represents module 3 in the general Certificate in Patient Care but can be done, as previously stated by itself, but all four modules need to be completed to achieve certification. Module 4 is a program that covers on how to work on the sedated patient, review of monitoring needs, the requirement in bringing a travelling sedationist or anesthetist to a dental practice to provide intravenous sedation, or when best to totally refer to a sedation practice. Also, the regulations by state authorities are reviewed to ensure on how to achieve best outcome for dentist and patient. Modules 1-4 represent a complete Certificate in patient care that dentists can acquire by examination. Module 5 retriggers every 4 years if dentist wish to keep the above endorsement Certification with mandatory ALS-1 certification and a day’s update of changes in the needs of patient care and update of technologies and drugs. With the passage of time further education days will be added to provide on-going education. So, doctors Walker and Preketes have recognized the gap in education to enable dental practitioners to provide safe anxiolysis and deal safely and competently with complications that may come from engaging in these techniques. Guidelines for Scope of Practice Aphra has GUIDELINES FOR SCOPE OF PRACTICE, so directly quoted from Aphra documents commentaries. Under the heading of accessing your own education and training and competence: You [the practitioner] must only perform dental treatments that you have been educated and trained in, and you are competent in. Under the heading of Understanding your professional obligations; 1.2 What other requirements apply: You the practitioner should be aware of the regulatory requirements that apply to you, including the Health Practitioners Regulatory national Law, as in force in each state and territory [the national law], and those about: processing, prescribing, supplying and administration of medications. Under the heading of 3.4 how do you maintain and improve your competence: CPD such as a course about a new technique or procedure, which will help 1/ maintain, broaden and your expertise and compertence, 2/develop the personal and professional qualities you will need through your professional career. After your CPD you will need to access whether you have received enough clinical experience to include the technique in your practice. As Dr walker and Preketes have put forth a comprehensive education program to allow general dentist a safe and assured pathway of education to provide anxiolysis in their practice, given by educators who are well known and teach in the Conscious sedation diploma at the University of Sydney in which they train and examine dentist who wish to achieve a Diploma in conscious sedation. As stated before not everyone want to do a 2-year qualification in sedation but wishes a vehicle of education that will provide them with the skills, safety and competence to provide various forms of anxiolysis, the skills to deal with complications and more importantly not to have complications in the first place. Doctors Walker and Preketes hope this commentary helps dentist to know that there is a course, Certificate in Patient care, available to help support their skill set in the management of patients. Modules can be done as individuals, or if all modules are undertaken this reaches the summit of a “Certificate in patient Care”. Achievement is by final examination as to demonstrate the building of required knowledge. u Further details can be found at the website of doctors Preketes and Walker: Direct contact can be made to Dr Walker website as well or phone 02 9319 7466.