Australasian Dentist Magazine March-April 2023

MANAGING TOOTH WEAR SIX MONTH MENTORING PROGRAMME WITH DR ANDREA SHEPPERSON WANT TO DEVELOP THE NECESSARY DESIGN AND DIAGNOSTIC SKILLS TO DIAGNOSE AND TREAT CASES OF TOOTH WEAR WITH GREATER CONFIDENCE AND PREDICTABILITY? HANDS-ON EVENTS COMMENCING APRIL 2023 | WAIHEKE ISAND WWW.ANDREASHEPPERSON.COM Dr Andrea Shepperson opened the Shepper son Educa t i on Tr a i n i ng Cent re i n 2020 . The concept was born f rom a des i re to sha re a beaut i fu l l oca t i on wi th co l l eagues and exper i ence a f resh l ea rn i ng env i ronment and a change f rom hot e l -based t r a i n i ng venues . F i l l ed wi th na tur a l l i ght and f resh a i r , i t i s a p l ace to s t ep out of busy pr ac t i ce l i f e where co l l eagues can re l ax , c l ea r the i r heads and be sur rounded by na ture as they embr ace new sc i ence and c l i n i ca l knowl edge . DATES: VENUE: CPD HOURS: 40 LIMITED TO 15 DENTISTS CONTACT: MENTORSHIP E-LEARNING