Australasian Dentist Magazine Issue_98

CATEGORY AUSTRALASIAN DENTIST 71 LINICAL Case execution The Socket Shield technique (partial tooth extraction) utilizes the patient’s own tooth root to preserve the periodontium and peri-implant tissue, maintain the bone and tissue volume in the region, and thereby improve the aesthetics and function. After preparing the root with the PET KIT (by MegaGen), the implant was placed with a Guided Surgery Kit, and using the printed surgical guide. To finish, the installation of the customhealing abutment on the Ti-base screwed onto the implant was made. Threemonthsafter installing thecustom healing abutment, the soft tissue showed ideal conditioning that copied the natural emergence profile of the extracted tooth and was ready to receive the provisional crown. With this case we experienced the benefits of using a digital workflow in Fig 7. Root preparation (Partial Extraction Therapy) Fig 8. Final aspect of the root in cup shape, and placement of the implant Fig 9. Custom healing abutment design Fig 10. Final installation aspect of custom healing abutment and final radiography INITIAL CAD AFTER THE SURGERY CASE DEVELOPMENT Fig 11. Failed tooth. Custom healing abutment CAD design. Printed custom healing abutment Installed. Fig 12. Ideal gingival conditioning after 3 months of custom healing abutment installation – photo 1 Fig 13. Ideal gingival conditioning after 3 months of custom healing abutment installation – photo 2 Initial Day of the surgery 3 months Fig 14. Clinical and radiographic aspect of the initial situation, in the surgery day and after 3 months our cases, especially predictability, such as installing the implant with a surgical guide at the exact site planned through the CBCT and obtaining the ideal emergence profile equal to that of the patient’s natural tooth through the printed custom healing abutment, thereby benefiting both the aesthetic and the function of the region for the installation of the final prosthesis. Besides, it is possible to affirm that the printing resin for the manufacture of a customhealing abutment is biocompatible, presents a lower cost when compared to other measures such as milling, presenting an option with predictability to obtain an ideal emergence profile for implantsupported crowns. The present technique to produce a CAD-CAM custom healing abutment is suggested to be effective to guide the soft tissue healing around dental implants to achieve a natural emergence profile for implant-supported restorations. This reduces the number of treatment steps while increasing the predictability in obtaining satisfactory aesthetics and functional results of implant-supported crowns. u Contact: Dr. Alan Costa Clinic name: Clinivida Address: Marcelino Nogueira Street 580, room 13 e 14, Sao Jose dos Pinhais/Paraná, cep 83.005-370. Brazil Email: Contact: Dr. Mariana Pozza Clinic name: Clinivida Address: Marcelino Nogueira Street 580, room 13 e 14, Sao Jose dos Pinhais/Paraná, cep 83.005-370. Brazil Email: