Australasian Dentist Magazine Issue_98

CATEGORY 60 AUSTRALASIAN DENTIST LINICAL of tooth movement per stage for all teeth in the arch. A better understanding of the mechanics of tooth movement using aligners could lead to more appropriate selection of patients, better sequencing of tooth movement stages, and more efficient treatment. u REFERENCES Chun-Te Ho et a, Clinical Use of Contemporary Clear Aligner Therapy, Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics. 2018, Vol. 30. No. 3 Graber, Vanarsdall- Orthodontic Current Principles and Techniques (6th edition) Kanpittaya et al, Clear Aligner: Effectiveness, Limitations and Considerations, J Dent Assoc Thai Vol.71 No.4 October – December 2021 Mehta et al. Aligners and Complex Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Turk J Orthod 2021; 34(3): 202-206 Moshiri, Product review and demonstration of the Invisalign clear aligner system, AJO-DO, June 2021, Vol 1, Issue 1 Simon et al, Treatment outcome and efficacy of an aligner technique – regarding incisor torque, premolar derotation and molar distalizationBMC Oral Health 2014, 14:68 Dr Geoff Hall, Specialist orthodontist Founder and Director of OrthoED, Smilefast, CAPS and Clear Aligner Excellence Tel: 03 9108 0475 / OssMem OssMem Soft OssMem Hard Osstem Australia Suite 8, Level 5, Building C, Rhodes Corporate Park, 1 Homebush Bay Drive, Rhodes NSW 2138 E. P. 02 9889 2675 Not allow in ltration of epithelial cells Allows in ltration of serum and nutrents Post OP 20 weeks after OP Biological compatibility Acceleration of new bone foundation by porosity Raw Material: Bovine Type 1 Collagen (New Zealand) Adhere to bone defect site Dissolved in approximately 8 -12 weeks Hydrate for 30 seconds Hold bone graft material rmly Excellent maintain volume Dissolved in approximately 20 seconds Hydrate for 120 seconds A dense collagen layer e ectively prevents the in ltration of soft tissue OssMem Soft OssMem Hard Ref.) Rabbit Model Text, Osstem Implant Feature Movement Threshold Maximum velocity Buccal Power Ridge Lingual root torque 3° of torque 1°/stage Buccal Power Ridge + Lingual root torque and 3° of torque 1°/stage Lingual Power Ridge retraction and retraction Optimised Rotation Rotation 5° of rotation 2°/stage Attachment Optimised Extrusion Extrusion 0.5mm of extrusion 0.25mm/stage Attachment Multi tooth anterior Extrusion for upper 0.5mm of extrusion 0.25mm/stage Extrusion incisors 0f the 4 incisors Feature Movement Threshold Maximum velocity Pressure Areas Anterior intrusion 0.5mm of extrusion 0.25mm/stage Optimised Root control Tipping • 0.75mm for Attachment central and lateral incisors • 0.75mm translations 0.25mm/stage from the centre of resistance for canines and premolars Optimised Retraction Canine retraction First premolar Multi-Tooth Attachment extraction planned for 0.25mm/stage Unit Optimised maximum anchorage Anchorage Posterior anchorage or up to 2mm of mesial Attachment crown posterior movement.